You have nothing to worry about that!

Upon successful completion of the payment, you’ll be able to view the booking in “Your Orders” which is under the “Profile” section on the app/website, (i.e.bottom right corner on the app or the top-right corner on the website).

Do check your Whatsapp/SMS/Email for the booking confirmation before you attempt another transaction.

> In case the booking does not reflect in “Your Orders”, we recommend you to make a fresh booking. The amount charged will be refunded to the original payment source within the timelines you see below:

Debit/ Credit Card or Net banking: 5-7 working days.

UPI and Wallet: 24-48 hours.

BMS Cash: Within 2 hours, mostly immediate.

If you’ve redeemed a bank offer/voucher code for the said transaction, do not panic, the same gets blocked for 5/30 mins depending on the offer/voucher code